Friday, February 14, 2014


One of the main points the author of our book makes about the Romanesque (also referred to as Norman) period, is that it isn’t just the plain precursor to the Gothic style that will come later. It is unique and sophisticated in it’s own right.

The style is characterized by semi-circular arches, massive quality of the buildings, thick walls, groin vaults, large towers, and decorative arcading. Arcading is the single most significant decorative feature of Romanesque architecture. It was relatively simplistic in comparison to the styles that would follow. 

Also this style was the first that permeated all of Europe. It wasn’t a regional style. Also during this time they built many different kinds of buildings, not just churches or houses of worship but homes, palaces, government buildings. 

Abbey Fontenay
Ste Foy Cathedral

Interior of Baptistry at Pisa

Influence on Modern Design
In modern homes and interiors you can find examples of the Romanesque style. The simplistic style can be seen in the exterior view below, as well as in the rounded arch windows of the interior image.

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